This year has been a year full of changes for me, to enter to one of the most important universities of Chile brings thousands of things, that I eventually learned to control or manage; all of this with the purpose of being able to perform well in different subjects, one of the things that was cost me more learn and master are the technological objects, such as computers, microscope, and data show; which were part of my learning process and that through sequence of interesting and entertaining anecdotes and situations became an important part of my day a day here in college.
When I have my first class in the biologic lab almost die there because I dont`understand anything I see a lot of microscope and a type of glass with something stuck of them. thank god my dear teacher teach me how to use microscope and focus only the part that i need to see. That was my first experience with this sort of technology, because I used to use another kind of Technologies such us Internet or computer but in this case I never used power point to make any presentation I only used power point to write something casual.
I think that in university in general or or specifically at the university of chile technologies take more importance due to the relevance that this will have when we have treat a patient or more enfocas in me career when I have to care delivery; for this reason whit the innovation currículum on my career the use of technologies has become a vital tool to improve our skills; for this from the first day of class we had to learn to use complicated software, called hypercell , every class we have a evaluation of the topic treated with hypercell that class.
Finally I think it is important to note that in the times we live in and with the facilities that give us the various technological tools, it is important to use the right way and with specific objectives, which aim to improve certain aspects of our lives.
One aspect that we have to understand and our teachers have to know is that we must focus on an important tool for the education are the new Technologies, be of vital importance to our future performance as a professional; this wiil be the most difficult challenge for the next genaration of professional because technologies change every day.
Post # 12 (last post!): A brief essay
Hace 15 años