The article that I choose its is about the swine flu and the potential effects of this disease in pregnant women although there are no figures to confirm that swine flu is more harmful to pregnant women. Other important point that this artile said is something about de vaccine to the swine flu and
is safe for pregnant women and this way you can “evitar” a potential damage to baby.
according to a study made about 2.000.0000 of pregnant women each were injected with vaccine potential risks were lost or that the stillborn baby. although they were very few women that they have some problem with the vaccine a big percentage doesn`t have any problem.
The pregnant woman may be more likely to get swine flu and serious serious complications may require hospitalization for a while.
Obstetric consultant Dr Pat O'Brien believed that the swine flu virus can not relayed the placenta for that reason pregnat woman with swine flu may give birth to perfectly healthy children
Some Antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu and Relenza can be of great help to treat pregnant women with swine flu without doing any damage to the growing fetus.
finally I want to said that I choose this article because I think that this a very actual topic and is important to my future career how to treat a pregnant woman with this tipe of illness.
Post # 12 (last post!): A brief essay
Hace 15 años
Hello my dear friend... I read your text and I like it, because if you remember...I talked about the porcine flu in the past semester, is really interesting, above all about the porcine flu in the pregnant woman !